Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

April the 12th, 2013

Auditorium “Guido Martinotti”

U/12 Building – Via Vizzola 5, Milan (ITALY)

at 9.30

Guido Martinotti



9.30 Greetings

Marcello Fontanesi, Chancellor of the Università degli Studi
di Milano-Bicocca

Carla Facchini, Director of the Sociology and Social Research Departiment

10.00 Keynote Speech The Open City

Richard Sennett, London School of Economics

10.40 Round table City Changing: Knowledge and Civil Commitment

Moderators: Enzo Mingione, Francesca Zajczyk, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

Participants: Luigi Berlinguer – former Minister of Education,
University and Research

Vittorio Gregotti – Gregotti e Associati International

Ferruccio de Bortoli – Head Editor of Corriere della Sera

Harvey Molotch – New York University

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